宣城DHL 宣城DHL国际快递网点 宣城DHL服务咨询
更新:2025-01-31 07:18 编号:32821273 发布IP: 浏览:6次- 发布企业
- 安徽敦航国际货运代理有限公司商铺
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- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第1年主体名称:安徽敦航国际货运代理有限公司组织机构代码:91340123MA8PJ7NF6L
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DHL Supply Chain 总部位于俄亥俄州韦斯特维尔,是美洲合同物流领域的,隶属于 Deutsche Post DHLGroup化粪池行业,正在扩大他们现有的战略合作伙伴关系。DHL 将为 ADS提供的运输和物流服务套件,以执行仓储、车队和电子商务解决方案,从而增强 ADS 的生产能力,使 ADS能够继续为其客户提供必要的服务水平。
总部位于俄亥俄州希的 ADS 正在扩大其足迹,因为大流行引发的增长激增,房主投资于 DIY 翻新和维修,这是自 2006年以来建筑许可的增长,以及市政投资于基础设施。
2019 年,DHL 和 ADS在宾夕法尼亚州威尔克斯巴里开设了他们的个零售履行中心,为东北部的客户提供服务。Wilkes-Barre 设施为 600 多家 DIY零售店提供服务,拥有 16 辆卡车专用车队。在 Wilkes-Barre 成功启动 100,000 平方英尺的设施后,DHL 和ADS 选择扩展该计划。
两家公司将在南卡罗来纳州格里尔和俄亥俄州米德尔敦投资 DHL 运营的设施,以支持 ADS 的零售业务,为 ADS释放产能以更好地支持其商业贸易业务。DHL 将管理位于 Greer 的新的 131,000 平方英尺的设施,并提供 28辆卡车的专用车队,以实现对东南部 700 多个 DIY零售点的定制交付。通过先进的工具和数字化工作,两家公司将能够通过优化拖车空间和实施动态路线和往返匹配来减少运输里程,从而减少 ADS交付的碳足迹。
Middletown 356,000 平方英尺的仓库运营将整合 ADS 不断增长的电子商务履行业务,并为其 63个制造工厂和 33 个配送中心的网络提供额外的成品配送能力,使 ADS 能够提高填充率并缩短订单周期时间。
“我们在建筑和建筑供应垂直领域的帮助我们的客户将他们的供应链转变为核心竞争优势,”DHL 供应链执行副总裁 MarkKunar 说。“通过提供的日常运营并在我们的运营中灌输持续改进的文化,我们能够提供有效的端到端物流解决方案,使 ADS能够将时间、技能和知识集中在解决客户的水资源挑战上工程解决方案。”
“ADS致力于满足对我们产品和解决方案不断增长的需求,并通过高质量、灵活和快速的服务物流平台扩大我们的影响范围,以执行我们更好地为客户服务的使命,”总裁兼执行官Scott Barbour 说排水系统官员。“与 DHL Supply Chain合作,我们有一个激动人心的机会,可以加强我们的服务,并通过执行我们的材料转换和水管理解决方案战略来支持我们公司实现高于市场增长的目标。”
DHL Supply Chain, headquartered in Westerville, OH, theAmericas leader in contract logistics and part of Deutsche Post DHLGroup, and Advanced Drainage Systems (ADS), a leading provider ofinnovative water management solutions products used in the stormwater and on-site septic wastewater industries, are expanding theirexisting strategic partnership. DHL will provide ADS itsbest-in-class transport and logistics suite of services to executewarehousing, fleet, and eCommerce solutions enhancing ADS’sproduction capabilities while enabling ADS to continue to deliverthe necessary service levels to its customers.
ADS, based in Hilliard, OH, is expanding its distributionfootprint amidst a pandemic-sparked surge in growth that has seenhomeowners investing in DIY renovations and repairs, the largestuptick in building permits since 2006, and municipalities investingin infrastructure.
In 2019, DHL and ADS opened their first retail fulfillmentcenter in Wilkes-Barre, PA to service customers in the northeast.The Wilkes-Barre facility services over 600 DIY retail stores witha 16 truck dedicated fleet. After a successful launch of the100,000-square-foot facility in Wilkes-Barre, DHL and ADS havechosen to expand the program.
The two companies will invest in DHL-operated facilities inGreer, SC, and Middletown, OH, to support ADS’s retail business,freeing up capacity for ADS to better support its commercial tradebusiness. DHL will manage the new 131,000-square-foot facility inGreer and provide a 28 truck dedicated fleet to enable customizeddelivery to more than 700 DIY retail locations across theSoutheast. Through advanced tools and digitalization efforts, thetwo companies will be able to reduce the carbon footprint of ADSdeliveries by optimizing trailer space and implementing dynamicrouting and round trip matching to reduce transportation miles.
The 356,000-square-foot warehouse operation in Middletown willconsolidate ADS’s growing eCommerce fulfillment operations andprovide additional capacity for finished goods distributionthroughout their network of 63 manufacturing plants and 33distribution centers, enabling ADS to increase fill rates andreduce order cycle times.
“Our industry experts in our construction and building supplyvertical help our customers transform their supply chains into acore competitive advantage,” said Mark Kunar, Executive VicePresident, DHL Supply Chain. “By providing daily operationalexcellence and instilling a culture of continuous improvement intoour operations we are able to deliver effective end-to-endlogistics solutions, enabling ADS to focus its time, skills, andknowledge on solving its customers’ water challenges with highlyengineered solutions.”
“ADS is committed to meeting the growing demand for ourproducts and solutions and expanding our reach through a highquality, flexible, and speed of service logistics platform toexecute our mission of better serving our customers,” said ScottBarbour, President and Chief Executive Officer, Advance DrainageSystems. “Working with DHL Supply Chain, we have an excitingopportunity to further strengthen our services and support ourcompany’s goal of generating above-market growth through theexecution of our material conversion and water management solutionsstrategies.”
成立日期 | 2022年10月08日 | ||
法定代表人 | 陈浩 | ||
注册资本 | 500 | ||
主营产品 | 国内国际快件服务 ; 大宗物品国际快递,国际海运,铁路,卡航跨国运输 | ||
经营范围 | 全国 | ||
公司简介 | 我们本着为顾客着想,提供全面服务为宗旨,以高效、快捷、准时、优质、守信的企业理念,高度的责任感和热情服务广大客商,客户至上,诚信第一是公司服务的宗旨,安徽敦航国际货运代理有限公司专业从事国际快递、航空、航海货物运输,一级代理DHL、UPS、FEDEX、TNT等多家国际快递公司及国内中国邮政EMS多个邮局有着长期的合作关系.我们本着为顾客着想,提供全面服务为宗旨,以高效、快捷、准时、优质、守信的企业 ... |
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